Eye color: How it predicts your fashion choices

Eye color: How it predicts your fashion choices

Oct 1, 2024

2 minute read

Contrary to popular belief, the color of your eyes might have more say in your wardrobe than you think. In a recent study by the University of St Andrews, researchers have uncovered that eye color significantly influences clothing color preferences, challenging longstanding notions held by fashion stylists about the primacy of skin tone.

1. The unexpected importance of eye color

The study, published in the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, highlights a notable preference for 'cool' blue hues of clothing to complement gray or blue eyes, and 'warm' orange or red hues to match dark brown eyes. Professor David Perrett, the lead researcher from the School of Psychology and Neuroscience, noted the consistency in color choices among participants, emphasizing the surprising influence of eye color over other features like skin tone complexion and hair color.

2. The study methodology

Participants of the study were presented with images featuring women whose skin tones were subtly varied while their eye and hair colors remained constant. Participants selected clothing colors from a fixed palette deemed suitable for each image. The results consistently showed that, regardless of skin tone changes, eye color was the most decisive factor in clothing color selection. 

This study suggests that eye color, not complexion, dictates fashion choices

This study suggests that eye color, not complexion, dictates fashion choices

3. Challenging traditional styling advice

Traditional fashion advice often emphasizes skin tone when suggesting clothing colors. However, this study suggests that stylists should pay closer attention to eye color. As Professor Perrett points out, while skin tone may be a significant factor from a distance, in more personal settings, the color of one's eyes becomes crucial.

4. Broader implications for the fashion industry

This revelation could have far-reaching implications for the global fashion industry, one that is deeply invested in color as a key component of style and self-expression. Recognizing eye color as a primary determinant in clothing choice could lead to more personalized and scientifically grounded fashion advice.

5. Future research directions

The team at St Andrews is planning further studies to enhance the realism in garment depiction and to explore color choices across different genders and ethnic backgrounds. This could pave the way for a more inclusive understanding of how personal characteristics influence fashion choices.


This study from the University of St Andrews offers a fresh perspective on the dynamics of fashion and personal aesthetics. It challenges the conventional wisdom of the fashion industry and provides a scientific basis for how we might better understand and cater to individual preferences in clothing color. As the research continues to evolve, it may well lead to a new paradigm in how we think about style and personal expression.

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Hoppn color wheel with two colors, Sky blue and green
Hoppn color wheel with two colors, Sky blue and green

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